Written on Dec 24, 2014
Who We Were is not just about Sadie, but about Sadie and Lily, Sadie and her mom, Sadie and Nolan, Sadie. Their relationships changed, grew and evolved as Sadie found herself and who she wanted to be. I enjoyed watching Sadie take charge and not lose herself in the process. She stayed true to herself, while still growing and changing. She understood that you need to lend unconditional support to those you love, when and how they need it, you need to forgive those you care for, if you want them to remain part of your life, you need to take chances and do things that scare you if you want to gain anything worth having.
On a side note, I loved Nolan. He was probably one of my favorite characters in the book. He was honest and fair and caring and resilient and totally swoon worthy, which every good book requires.