Written on Jan 17, 2012
If you could combine the best elements of both books, you'd have something really spectacular. You couldn't call it Starcrossed anymore, you'd have to call it SuperNova.
I liked this book a lot and I wanted to love it. [a:Elizabeth Bunce|800019|Elizabeth C. Bunce|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1227139898p2/800019.jpg] has a great sense of fantasy words and names; her vowels and consonants roll over one another fantastically. She has created a complicated religious political structure and seems to think the best way to acclimate the reader to it is to throw as many foreign words in the beginning as often as possible. She's right but it's damned annoying. Mostly I forgave her, though, because she is right and because her characters have such great names; they're fun to read even when you have no clue about context.
The other great thing about this book are the characters. They're so much fun and so well realized. But there isn't enough of them. I wanted more Durrell Decath and more Raffin. I loved how Meri developed but wanted more of her interactions with Digger and Maryltte and even Phandre. And I love Weirolf and how his relationship with Digger developed. The character interactions were the best part so it was hard for so much of the story to focus on Digger moving around by herself and unraveling the plot. The plot was good, and it made sense that Digger would do a lot of things on her own. But I still would have enjoyed more interplay with all the other characters, because they were great.