Written on Mar 7, 2020
The King's Justice is the 9th book in the series featuring Maggie Hope written by Susan Elia MacNeal. Released 25th Feb 2020 by Random House on their Bantam imprint, it's 352 pages and available in hardcover, paperback, audio, and ebook formats.
This was the second book in the series for me, with a long hiatus since having read the first book some years ago. As such, I don't feel like I enjoyed the full experience of connecting with the returning characters and easily placing them in their relationships with each other. The plot worked well enough as a standalone, there was just a lot of backstory referenced in the narrative which I wasn't familiar with (including big spoilers from the last couple of books). I recommend reading them in order.
The plotting and narration themselves are superb; the author is an adept and skillful wordsmith. This is a period wartime mystery and the realities of WW2, rationing, violence, racism, homophobia, and the leftover remains from England in siege under the blitz are very well rendered by Ms. MacNeal. The dialogue is believable and well written.
There are some uncomfortable themes: substance abuse, domestic violence and abuse, racism, war, etc, but the denouement and resolution are satisfying and well written. The language is clean and unobjectionable. I liked that the narrative is worked around a framework of actual historical events, people, and occurrences. The author is skilled enough that it's sometimes difficult to distinguish where one ends and the other begins.
This is an enjoyable quick read. Highly recommended. Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.