Written on Jun 2, 2019
You Are Home with Me is a beautifully illustrated read-to-me children's book aimed at the youngest children up through 7(ish) years. Due out 12th Nov 2019 from Sasquatch on their Little Bigfoot imprint, it's 32 pages and will be available in hardback format. Written by Sarah Asper-Smith and illustrated by her husband Mitchell Watley, it's a sweet exploration of 15 different wild animal families and where they live with their babies.
The illustrations show the animal families with a short easy to read description of their homes and how they live. Each of the pictures also includes a short sentence with an interesting fact about their behavior or anatomy. The pictures support the message beautifully.
This would make a superlative library/reading circle, classroom, or bedtime read. It should be noted that the text is specifically written more toward a caretaker talking to their children, but it would still make a lovely group read for classroom or library use.
Beautifully executed work. I received an early eARC of this book for review purposes and fully intend to buy several gift copies of my own for friends' children.
Five stars.