Written on Feb 3, 2018
This review is going to be tricky for me because the one thing I want to talk about isn’t mentioned in the blurb so I don’t want to spoil it. I’m going to TRY to share my feelings about xo. Zach without spoiling the surprise.
It’s not often I come across a New Adult, College romance that involves a staff member and a student, that doesn’t make me scoff. See, I have relatives that are teachers and there is NO way I can see how a teacher could fall for a student. Maybe it’s because my relatives are happily married with teenage children of their own. Or, maybe it’s just that they respect their position and their duty to the students. Obviously, it’s a wee bit different for college-age students, but, I still don’t see the appeal.
Anyways, I didn’t scoff at xo. Zach. I think it was because Zach is an advisor, not a teacher or Professor. It could also be because Poppy is 24 years old and takes her studies VERY seriously. Zach and Poppy met before they knew each other on campus and their attraction to each other blossomed straight away. So, for me, this wasn’t a simple TABOO relationship. Both Zach and Poppy are aware that her studies come first and his job is important to him. I never felt that *these two are crazy to risk the fallout* feeling. These two are smart and I respected them for taking their time and being cautious.
I have been known to read a New Adult Romance and feel a tad frustrated. More times than not, I'm frustrated at the characters immaturity and hormone-driven decision making. In this case, I was pleasantly surprised. There is a lack of communication to some degree, but in this case, it was completely warranted. If anything, I respected Poppy more for her caution, hesitation and dedication to staying on track. Poppy thought first and acted second. Sure, she stumbled and nearly fell, but the complications in her life stopped her from landing flat on her back. It was a nice change.
Now Zach, bloody hell!! He was almost perfect. A word nerd (I have a soft spot for word nerds) with tattoos, a smoking hot body and all the right moves. I really liked Zach and I wanted him to get everything he wants and desires.
I really enjoyed xo. Zach. It was a quick read that kept my attention from start to finish. The characters were interesting, the storyline was an *oldy but a goody* and the chemistry kept the tension buzzing. Special mention must go to Zach’s Mum as she absolutely cracked me up. There’s this one line she uses about Zach and his self-pleasuring that I was desperate to share the humour. Unfortunately, my 14-year-old son was the only one home…and I definitely wasn’t going there.
If you’re looking for a quick read and don’t mind a bit of NA college angst, I definitely recommend xo. Zach.