Written on Mar 18, 2013
Our twin protagonists, Abby and Derick, are excited to go Cragbridge Hall, because this is their inventor Grandfather's school. There is an adventure around every corner. Soon the fun turns into a race against the clock, as they have to discover their grandfather's hidden secrets. These secrets could save the lives of their parents and grandfather who have been kidnapped by a very dangerous enemy.The coolest thing in the book is "The Bridge". This is what enables someone to experience history firsthand, and even to ultimately travel in time! I have a particular love for time travel books.
Even though this book is written for a middle grade audience, it doesn't feel like it when you read it. Every age can read and love this book! Though there are great lessons for the reader in this book, they are not preachy or jump out at you. I can't wait to get back on track so I can read it out-loud to my 2nd grade class. I know that they will LOVE it! My own kids are vying to see who can grab it first when I'm done writing this review. This book will someday make a very awesome movie! I predict...yes I'm looking into the future...that this series will become very popular and will find it's own place in literary history.