Written on Nov 10, 2019
• Pro: I was such an Ali fan. She was witty and snarky, and I especially loved when she was Ali to the Nth degree once Chase came along.
• Pro: OMG, Chase! From his first on page with Ali, I was hooked. He grew up in such a different environment, and I liked that he challenged those around him, and encouraged Ali to speak up for herself. He was not only her love interest, but he was her ally.
• Pro: Chao did an incredible job helping me understand Ali's feelings of isolation. It pained me, that Ali believed she had to give up or hide parts of herself to survive in her hometown. My heart ached for her, and I think that's why I was so elated once Chase became part of her world.
• Pro: Though I did not initially understand the connection to The Butterfly Lovers, it because more clear as I learned what Ali's mother was hiding And, wow! I totally didn't see that coming. The story took quite a turn, and it was an interesting one.
• Pro: Chao gave me what I needed with respect to Ali's family. They were super dysfunctional, and it was painful being in their home. Chao tempered it with some lovely flashbacks, and also some fabulous resolutions. I had a lot of hope for Ali, her mom, and her dad by the end of the story, and that's important to me.
• Pro: This story takes on family dysfunction, racism, isolation, and the downside of family culture, but those who know me won't be surprised to learn it was the romance that stood out for me. Ali and Chase were fantastic together. The banter and feisty exchanges never failed to make me smile. They challenged each other so much, but they got gooey too, and it was fun to see someone like Ali sporting heart-eyes.
Overall: Once again, Gloria Chao delivered a heartfelt and funny tale of east meets west, which featured a complex family dynamic and a really sweet romance.