Written on Dec 14, 2017
➜➜She is super cute with the crushing!
➜MC Laura is Filipino with a large present family
➜➜Family drama but not of the homophobic variety.
➜Laura discovers aliens, conspiracies, and love.
➜Heads Up: Non-Consensual Mind Fuckery
➜Men in Black w/ college girls & Greek mythology.
➜Lots of action and Matrix-like fight scenes
➜Supportive and awesome Big & Little sorority relationship.
➜Unique set-up, that admittedly stretched my suspension of disbelief at times.
➜➜“Don’t you care about what happens to humanity? Do you really want to just sit back and let everybody be enslaved to some kind of… alien overlord?”
“Well, I mean, depending on how the election turns out in November, that might be preferable.”
➜★★★ 1/2 = because of the said disbelief issues that did yank me out of the story temporarily and how sometimes it was too convenient w/ the powers and timing.