Written on Jun 7, 2020
Joy is a sweetly exuberant picture book for the youngest readers. Due out 9th June 2020 from Candlewick Press, it's 32 pages and will be available in hardcover and paperback formats.
The text by Yasmeen Ismail is gently rhyming and simple. It is fun to read aloud and will have the youngest helping to read it after a few readthroughs. The illustrations by Jenni Desmondsuit the text perfectly and lend a happy and bouncy activity to the read with lots of "zoom - zoom"ing and "crash-bang-wallop-bonk-a-donk"ing.
While not entirely appropriate for bedtime reading (too many bouncy bits), it would be a really superlative selection for afternoon or post-naptime or reading circle reading activities.
Fun and happy and beautifully illustrated along with some subtle lessons on trust and support from the ones who love and care for us.
Five stars. I heartily recommend this one.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.