Louisiana and Granny are going on a very sudden trip. Along with this trip granny tells her very little, and instead just expects her to keep going along with everything like she always had. You see Louisiana and Granny had a somewhat different life, Granny believed that they have a curse on them and uses this to keep Louisiana in line it seems. But as time has gone on Louisiana has gotten tired of this excuse and wants to know more, but never seems to get anywhere as Granny always changes the subject or tells her she doesn't need to know and to be quiet.
On this road trip though Granny suddenly becomes in a lot of pain and they have to stop in a town for her to get help. From there they are essentially stuck while Granny recovers, this leaves Louisiana with a lot of free time, and she gets to explore and makes a friend. This friend becomes key to Louisiana's life and helps her through the things she learns from Granny as time goes on.
Overall I enjoyed this story and I would have loved this story as a middle grader. Louisiana is an inquisitive child and wants to know things, while also being resourceful. Granny is a character that you can tell is just trying to do what she thinks is best for Louisiana, she just doesn't always show this in the best way. The people that Louisiana meets along the way are a wide variety of people and remind me of a lot of people that are actually in small towns. This is a great read for your middle-grade reader who is unsure about there place in the world and needs to feel a little less alone in the world.