Written on Feb 15, 2014
I was expecting another typical book about boarding school and snobby mean girls. The less well-off new girl with no personality arrives, the beautiful popular girls make snarky remarks, new girl is a loner until she finds a sinister plot behind the popular girls’ facade, new girl gets a chance at popularity, etc. I am extremely happy to say (for the most part) this book completely exceeded my expectations. I actually really like it!
Sadie and the other characters have personalities, which is a huge factor in whether or not I enjoy a book, and the writing is pretty good as well. Sure a lot of the characters are commonly used tropes, but because of the writing and Sadie herself I don’t mind as much. Upon reflection, I overlooked a lot of things I usually don’t like. I like the writing, though, and everything is weaved together so well that I didn’t notice as I was reading, or didn’t care. I still really enjoyed reading the story.
Things are not as murder mystery as I thought they would be. Instead they give way to a creepier, more serious plot. The suspense is held pretty much until the very last minute, which makes for some intense reading. I never suspected the true motive, which turns out to be a little scary.
Even though some of the characters can be predictable, nothing is what it seems. And for that which is, the writing and story make up for it.