Entertaining. I read it all. It's like a bad movie I couldn't stop watching.
Finn is a douche. Why is the rich white boy with an anger problem that gets bailed out of everything the main protagonist? He's not clever or funny. He's not someone to sympathize with or care about. I can't even properly root against him, he's so unseasoned. Who fucking cares? Not me!
All the tug of war whining and conjecture was annoying. Especially coming from Finn.
It's not a unique twist. I did see it as a possibility but kept thinking no way because all the characters could be THAT dumb, right? Wrong. They were. And I'm insulted that Paris though I'd be *shocked* and *awed* by it.
It's so silly and unbelievable. As in not fucking possible. And that throwaway line trying to be deep at the end *eyeroll*
Haven't read B.A. Paris's previous work. Don't plan on reading anything else by her.
Spoiler Shit:
Knew as soon as the "rigorous beauty regime" passage. It's so exact opposite, it's comical.
What about facial recognition? And her paperwork? And fingerprints?
Finn's whole "Russian doll saved me" is bullshit.
Wouldn't the acquittal from murder charges keep him from being prosecuted for manslaughter later via double jeopardy?