Initial thoughts: Pretty interesting reading about slow living, minimalism, etc from a struggling Christian's perspective. Asceticism and frugality were cornerstones of Protestant teachings in the past but with capitalism and modern obsessions for more and our current culture of always hustling, it was interesting to read about Shauna's take on paring back.
I especially appreciated that she shared the lessons she learned over her seasons and how she realised that the person she was at 19 was who she wanted to be in her later adult years — someone who knew how to enjoy the present moment instead of chasing what she thought she should have because that's what everyone else told her to.
What hit home the most for me is that when we hand over the pen to someone else to write our story, it's unlikely we'll ever get back that pen. We need to pursue what is right for us and our stage in life. What might seem amazing to everyone else may not necessarily be what you want and that's okay.