Ing Cruz
Kate is a scientist and has been brought up in a life away from the London ton. Her mother ran off and married a man not acceptable to her family and was cut off. Kate is back in her grandfathers life and the ton to fulfill her parents wish to make amends with her grandfather. She has traveled all over with her parents and has been taught to think. You would think with all that I would have found her character more interesting but I was never able to enjoy Kate. My main reason for not enjoying her character was the fact that it was repeatedly brought up over and over again throughout the book how she didn't fit into society and how much she didn't enjoy it. I get it but man it seems like every other page kept pointing to this fact. Also she makes comments about her grandfather being awful but I never really got that. I never saw his interactions with Kate as being awful. It felt more like the grandfather just didn't know how to act around the heroine. As for Marco he's a rake. He has a reason for his rakish behavior which I found a little weak as a reasoning for him to act so blase about life. He was a bit more interesting then Kate but not by much. I thought the story had too much happening in it and could never see why these two even liked each other. There wasn't much time spent on the development of their relationship. All I ever got was they were in lust with each other and nothing more.
The secondary love story between the grandfather and a fellow scientist friend of Kate kept this book entertaining for me. The little interaction between these two fulfilled the romance I was looking for. The murder mystery plot of this book kept me reading until the end. I am sad that I didn't enjoy this book as much as I would have liked. I have heard nothing but great things about it. I didn't work for me but if you like historical romances with murder mystery, smart heroines, and secret spy hero then you'll enjoy this book. These are all elements that would normally guarantee enjoyment for me but somehow in this case fell flat.