Written on May 19, 2017
I absolutely loved Every Body Yoga. Jessamyn has a very distinct voice. She tells it like it is. She's very intelligent, witty, and at times naughty! There's plenty of swearing, but it felt natural rather than gratuitous or for shock value. It was easy for me to picture her and hear her voice while I was reading her words. She makes the topic of beginning yoga very approachable and accessible for a lot people. There were so many times where I was thinking "This is me! I know how this feels!" and was so happy to know that I'm not alone in this exciting and terrifying journey.
Every Body Yoga is a mix of personal stories and straightforward yoga information. Jessamyn tells us all about how she first got started doing yoga, her successes and setbacks, and how it ultimately saved her life. She also gives us seemingly unrelated stories from her childhood and teen years, but at the end of each she tells us how yoga could have helped and gives some postures and sequences that would fit that situation. Like if you want to relieve anxiety or get a new perspective. There's a sequence for that!
Every Body Yoga also breaks down the yoga basics. There's a brief history of where yoga came from and how it has evolved. There's a list of a few of the most popular types of yoga and who might enjoy them. Jessamyn also gives a brief overview of using props (blocks, straps, and bolsters). In the sections with poses and sequences, she explains how to do them unsupported and with the props if needed. It's very simple to follow if you're just getting started. I also loved how the models doing the poses aren't the typical thin, tall, white yogis that we see in magazines. Yoga is for everyone, regardless of body size, type, shape, or ability.
I just really loved Every Body Yoga. It spoke to me in ways that other yoga books didn't. Maybe I just related to Jessamyn more, or perhaps she just writes/speaks in a way that simply clicked. Whatever it is, I'm feeling much more confident in my home practice and can't wait to continue to grow it.
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