Jake Scott was born in Sunderland in 1981. After dodging most of his school days his interests - apart from running into trouble - were minimal. He became a member of the Air Cadets, which showed him different way of life and he soon became a crack shot and strong hillwalker. Jake wanted something challenging in his life, a challenge he wasn't finding in Sunderland. Aged 17, he left the local brewery and packed his bags to join the army. Challenge was what Jake got when he enlisted in the elite Parachute Regiment - the Paras. After passing the most intense physical and mentally demanding course in the British army, Jake became part of the official 'blood clot' and served in operations around the world including the 2003 Iraqi invasion. Jake progressed through the years, attending many courses, mostly with distinction. Always trying to better himself he finally moved into a reconnaissance role, operating in small teams behind enemy lines known as 'the Patrols'. Jake got his chance to prove his abilities in some the most ferocious fighting since the Korean War when he found himself commanding a team of six men and two fighting vehicles deep in Taliban territory, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, during the summer of 2006. After a series of eye-opening experiences, recounted in this book, the Patrols platoon eventually ended their tour of duty in Afghanistan. Jake has now moved on from the military but not from danger - he finds himself in the Middle East yet again, this time as a Close Protection Officer. His job is now to protect his clients and his friends rather than taking the fight to the enemy, as he did in Afghanistan in 2006.