Caryn McHose has taught creative movement for over thirty-five years. She developed the experiential anatomy course at Middlebury College, which became the basis of Bodystories: A Guide to Experiential Anatomy, a book she collaborated on with Andrea Olsen. McHose co-founded the RK training in perceptual skills for somatic practitioners in Burlington, Vermont, and uses biodynamic cranial-sacral and Somatic Experiencing techniques in her private practice.

Kevin Frank is a Certified Advanced Rolfer and Rolfing movement practitioner who also teaches Rolf Institute and IASI CE approved courses. He assisted Toni Packer in founding the Springwater Center for Meditative Inquiry and Retreats in Springwater, New York.

Frank and McHose created and currently run Resources in Movement, a center for movement inquiry in Holderness, New Hampshire, where they live. For articles by and other information about McHose and Frank, visit the Resources in Movement website at
May 25, 2006
Cover of How Life Moves

How Life Moves

Oct 31, 2002
Cover of Body and Earth

Body and Earth