• Country: Canada
Rachel Eugster is a writer and editor and (under another hat) an actor, singer, and music director. She is the author of the Ingredients of a Balanced Diet series, five books for children on food and nutrition, and she has written magazine articles for children on such fascinating topics as horse communication, the Robotarium, ringtones for leopards, reawakening volcanoes, and exploding toads. Formerly Associate Editor of Walking magazine, Rachel has also been widely published in magazines for adults, writing most often about food and nutrition, health and fitness, medical science, lifestyles, and quirky people. The Pocket Mommy, Rachel's first picture book, was inspired by the day she dropped her son off at kindergarten and he announced that he wished she was tiny enough to keep in his pocket all day. Born in one national capital (Washington, D.C.), Rachel now lives with her family in another (Ottawa, Ontario). The author lives in Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Tom Goldsmith was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. For more than twenty years, Tom has produced countless illustrations in the North American advertising, book, and magazine market. Tom's art shows his childlike wonder and fascination with animals and nature. The complexity of animals' lives and people's relationship with creatures, both real and imagined, are endless sources of inspiration for him. Tom works from his studio in a 130-year-old Victorian home that he shares with his wife and two children and too many dogs in the village of Coldwater, Ontario, near the shores of Georgian Bay. More information can be found about Tom Goldsmith on his website: www.tomgoldsmithillustration.com