Stephen Sturgess is a yoga and meditation teacher who has studied and practised a wide range of yoga forms under the expertise of well-known gurus over the course of 35 years. It was in 1982 that he discovered Kriya Yoga as his true spiritual path and Paramhansa Yogananda as his guru, and it is the Yoga Meditation techniques from this tradition on which this book is based. He was first initiated into Kriya in May 1984 by his teacher Swami Kriyananda, and later also by Roy Eugene-Davis, who had been initiated into Kriya by Paramhansa Yogananda himself in August 1951. Stephen is also the author of a range of books, including The Yoga Book (Watkins, 2004), a recommended text of the British Wheel of Yoga; The Book of Chakras & Subtle Bodies (Watkins, 2014); The Supreme Art and Science of Raja and Kriya Yoga (2015); Mastering the Mind, Realising the Self (2017); and Willpower and Energy (2018).