29 books • 3 series
Stage Effects (Leslie & Bennett, #3)
Missing But Not Missed
A Rather Cryptic Crime
A Sure Guide to Builders, or, The Principles and Practice of Architecture, Geometrically Demonstrated, and Made Easy, for the Use of Workmen in General
Sammlung Englischer Denkmaler In Kritischen Ausgaben
An Account of Anne Bradstreet, the Puritan Poetess, and Kindred Topics
Coincidences, Bacon and Shakespeare
Selected Homilies
The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church
The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church 2 Volume Set (Cambridge Library Collection - Religion)
Homily on the Seven Sleepers
Natale Sancti Gregorii Papae = Aelfric's Anglo-Saxon Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory and Collateral Extracts from King Alfred's Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History and from the Saxon Chronicle, with a Full Rendering Into English, Notes Critical
The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church [microform]
A Testimony of Antiquity Concerning the Sacramental Body and Blood of Christ
[The English Saxon Homilies of Aelfric, Arch-Bishop of Canterbury ... Now First Printed and Translated ... by Elizabeth Elstob.]
An English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-Day of St. Gregory
Sammlung Englischer Denkmaler in Kritischen Ausgaben (04-05)
The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church [Microform] (Volume 2); The First Part Containing the Sermones Catholici, or Homilies of Aelfric in the
Sammlung Englischer Denkmaler in Kritischen Ausgaben (V.01)
Sammlung Englischer Denkmaler in Kritischen Ausgaben (Volume 3)
Sermones Catholici, Or, Homilies of Aelfric; In Original Anglo-Saxon, with an English Version
Sammlung Englischer Denkmaler in Kritischen Ausgaben (V.02)
Sammlung Englischer Denkmaler in Kritischen Ausgaben (Volume 5)
Sammlung Englischer Denkmaler in Kritischen Ausgaben (V.05)