84 books
The Aerospace Commission report and NASA workforce
Harmful algal blooms and hypoxia
Overview of the federal R&D budget for fiscal year 2004
Cyber security research and development
NASA's fiscal year 2004 budget request
H.R. 1118, Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Act of 2003
Computer security impact of Y2K
Plant biotechnology research and development in Africa
Dealing with foreign students and scholars in an age of terrorism
A review of aeronautics R & D at FAA and NASA
Competition for Department of Energy laboratory contracts
Manufacturing R&D
An overview of the federal R&D budget for fiscal year 2006
Ending our addiction to oil
An overview of the federal R&D budget for fiscal year 2005
The investigation of the World Trade Center collapse
Keeping the lights on
NASA's fiscal year 2006 budget proposal
The future of aeronautics at NASA
Options for Hubble science
Nuclear fuel reprocessing
Reviewing the Hydrogen Fuel and FreedomCAR Initiatives
The Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Act of 2006 (discussion draft)