84 books
The Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report
U.S. competitiveness
Status of NASA's programs
Renewable energy technologies--research directions, investment opportunities, and challenges to commercial application in the United States and the developing world
Assessing the goals, schedule, and costs of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership
H.R. 4107
National Science Foundation budget and management challenges
Should Congress establish "ARPA-E," the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy?
Cyber security education
The role of social science research in disaster preparedness and response
NASA's science mission directorate
The impact of federal energy efficiency and renewable energy R&D programs
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Organic Acts
U.S.-Russian cooperation in space
The future of NASA
Improving drought monitoring and forecasting
NASA-Department of Defense cooperation in space transportation
NASA contests and prizes
H.R. 5143, the H-Prize Act of 2006
H.R. 3980, National Windstorm Impact Reduction Act of 2004
Lunar science and resources
Testing and certification for voting equipment
The 2003 Presidential Awardees for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching
Inspector General report on NOAA weather satellites