Amanda Cuthbert started her working life in the theatre before becoming a founder member of Sky Television, writing, presenting and producing programmes. Sixteen years ago she left the TV life behind to run a small farm in Devon; having been concerned about environmental issues since childhood, she put her ideas into practice – growing organic vegetables, leaving fields unsprayed and raising sheep, pigs and hens organically.

Author of The Dreamer’s Guide to Running Holiday Accommodation (Breese Books) and co-author of The Briefcase and the Baby: A Nanny and Mother’s Handbook (Mandarin) she now works as a writer and editor, and raises chickens and grows her veg in south Devon.

Amanda and Jon have previously collaborated on other environmental subjects, and have written other titles in the Green Books Guides series: Water: Use Less Save More, Energy: Use Less Save More, Climate Change: Simple things you can do to make a difference, Greening Your Office: An A-Z Guide, How to be a Student and Not Destroy Planet Earth and How To Grow Your Food: A Guide for Complete Beginners.