Climate Change

by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 26 June 2008

You know that the ice caps are melting, the seasons are changing, sea levels are rising, storms are on the increase, but what can you do about it? Plenty!

This book puts the power back into your hands in the face of the doom and gloom of climate change. You don't have to wait for someone else to sort it out; rather than worry and feel helpless, you can get up and do something.

Climate Change: Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Difference is packed with ideas for action, from simple everyday things that cost nothing to bigger projects that involve more time and money. For example:

Get on your bike - Buy local food - Turn off your TV - Insulate your attic - Recycle and compost - Take the train - Turn down the heat - Install solar panels

Do your part and protect the planet for today and tomorrow.

Water: Use Less-Save More

by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 1 September 2007
100 simple and effective tips for saving water, inside and outdoors of your home or business. Packed with practical ideas for your kitchen, bath, landscaping, and water using chores. Did you know . . . We use 127% more water today than we did in 1950 About 95% of water delivered to our houses goes down the drain A garden hose can use almost as much water in an hour as an average family of four uses in one day Our population is growing, our climate changing and our lifestyles demand more and more water - we are consuming too much! But there are many things we can do to reduce our consumption of water, save money and help the environment. This book gives you 100 water saving tips for the home and garden - from simple things like having a shower instead of a bath, to more drastic measures like installing a rainwater harvesting system. If each one of us does just one of them, we can help reduce the likelihood of water shortages both now and in the future.

Energy: Use Less-Save More

by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 1 September 2007
100 energy saving tips for everything in your home or business! Did you know . . . Heating and cooling account for about 56% of the energy use in a typical home Energy-efficient light bulbs last about 12 times longer than ordinary bulbs, and consume about 1/5 of the energy If we all turned off our TVs and other gadgets that are kept on stand-by, we could shut down a couple of power stations in the United States, with huge reductions in CO2 emissions Our energy use is projected to increase 17% from 1995-2015 Our homes produce even more CO2 emissions than our cars This book gives you 100 energy-saving tips for the home--from simple things like switching off unnecessary lights and having a shower instead of a bath, to more drastic measures such as installing a condensing boiler. If each one of us acts on just a few of these suggestions, we can save money--and help slow down climate change.