156 books • 1 series
If you want me to listen to you talk about Horses
you are Horsing me crazy.
Proud parent of a Rabbit that is sometimes an asshole and thats ok
I asked god for a true friend so he sent me a Rabbit
Warning! this person may talk about Rabbits at any given moment
Certified Rabbit whisperer
Rabbit is my spirit animal
Always be yourself except if you can be a Rabbit then always be a Rabbit
I just freakin love Rabbits, ok
If you want me to listen to you talk about Rabbits
you are Rabbiting me crazy.
If you dont like Rabbits then you probably wont like me ... and i am ok with that
I just freakin love Sheeps, ok
Sheep is my spirit animal
If you want me to listen to you talk about Sheeps
Certified Sheep whisperer
Warning! this person may talk about Sheeps at any given moment
you are Sheeping me crazy.
I asked god for a true friend so he sent me a Sheep
Proud parent of a Sheep that is sometimes an asshole and thats ok
Always be yourself except if you can be a Sheep then always be a Sheep
If you dont like Sheeps then you probably wont like me ... and i am ok with that
If you want me to listen to you talk about Lizards
Lizard is my spirit animal