1,353 books
Solutions architect we do precision guess work based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge
Addicted to Termites
Talk About Elephants
Hand Drill
Architects are designed to be the greatest dads
My heart belongs to a trucker
Physical Therapy
I love my police officer
Don't mess with me PT I get paid to hurt people
Sometimes I feel like a Zookeeper
Keep calm I'm a Zookeeper
Robeast Pest Control
The army has my soldier but I have his heart
I am a pilot so while it's possible that I could be wrong, it's highly unlikely
Chef noun. 9shef0 A person who cooks shit you can't
I went on a dig and all I got was this stupid chert.
Super sexy chicken lady but here I am killing it
Move over boys let a girl show you how to drive
Blue life there is no walking away
Some people only dream of finding an awesome doctor I raised one.
Caution area patrolled by crazy farmer
3rd grade rocks
Yes, I am an archaeologits no, you can't have my autograph