32 books • 5 series
WJEC GCSE History: The Development of the USA 1929-2000 Welsh Edition (WJHI)
Key Stage 3 History for Wales (History of Wales)
WJEC GCSE History: The USA 1910-1929 and Germany 1929-1947 Welsh Edition (WJHI)
Datblygu Sgiliau'r Hanesydd Safon Uwch
Developing the Skills of the A Level Historian
TGAU Hanes ar Gyfer Manyleb 'A' CBAC - Astudiaethau Manwl ac Amlinellol o Agweddau ar Hanes Cymru/Lloegr a'r Byd
GCSE History for WJEC Specification A (WJEC GCSE History (COMET))