116 books • 22 series
The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace
The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry
Horace Fully Parsed Word by Word
The Epistles of Horace (Bilingual Edition)
Horace, the Odes (Facing Pages, #1)
Dulce Periculum
Odes and Epodes (Loeb Classical Library, #33) (Loeb Classical Library *CONTINS TO [email protected]) (Phoenix Books)
Fleeting Years
The Complete Odes and Satires of Horace (Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation)
Selected Odes and Satire 1.9
Horace: Odes II: Vatis Amici
Opera CB
Pseudacronis Scholia in Horat CB
Opera Pb
Satire 1.9
The Odes of Horace (The Works of Horace)
Horace in English (Penguin Classics: Poets in Translation S.)
For You Maecenas
Horace: Satires Book I (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
Horace: Epodes (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
Horace: Odes I: Carpe Diem (Horace Odes)
Epistles Book I (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)