116 books • 22 series
Horace Odes IV
Horace: Odes Book I (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, Volume 2...
Queen Elizabeth's Englishings Of Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae, A.d. 1593
Opere Di Pietro Metastasio, Volume 2...
Horace, Odes (Classiques En Poche, #10)
Echoes from the Sabine Farm
Horace: Odes IV and Carmen Saeculare (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry of Horace Translated into English Prose. With Notes, In English, From the Best Commentators Both Ancient and Modern, Especially M. Dacier and P. Sanadon
The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry of Horace Translated Into English Prose, as Near the Original as the Different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages Will Allow. from the Best Commentators Both Ancient and Modern
The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry of Horace, Translated Into English Prose, as Near the Original as the Different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages Will Allow. the Fifth Edition, Corrected
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera, Interpretatione Et Notis, Jussu Christianissimi Regis, in Usum Serenissimi Delphini, Huic Editioni Accessere Vita Horatii Cum Dacerii Notis, Ejusdem Chronolgia Horatiana. Editio Duodecima.
Theatro Moral de la Vida Humana, En Cien Emblemas; Con El Enchiridion de Epicteto, y La Tabla de Cebes, Philosofo Platonico
Des Q. Horatius Flaccus Smmtliche Werke Fr Den Schulgebrauch Erklart, Volumes 1-2
The Art of Poetry
The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field, Volume 9
Horace for English Readers
Q. Horatii Flacci Epistolae ad Pisones, et Augustum
Horace Odes And Epodes
Horace Literally Translated For The Use Of Students (1830)
The Works of Horace - Translated Literally into English Prose
The Satires of Horace and Persius
The Works of Horace
The Art of Poetry an Epistle to the Pisos