308 books • 98 series
The Pledge of Allegiance in Translation (Kids' Translations) (Fact Finders Kids' Translations)
The Star Spangled Banner in Translation (Fact Finders Kids' Translations) (Kids' Translations)
German Immigrants in America (You Choose Books (Hardcover)) (You Choose Books (Paperback))
Potato Clocks and Solar Cars (Physical Processes and Materials) (Raintree Fusion: Physical Science) (Raintree Fusion)
The History of the Camera (Inventions that Changed the World) (Inventions That Changed the World (Heinemann))
The History of the Car (Inventions That Changed the World (Heinemann)) (Inventions that Changed the World)
The History of the Computer (Inventions That Changed the World (Heinemann)) (Inventions that Changed the World)
The History of the Television (Inventions that Changed the World) (Inventions That Changed the World (Heinemann))