How many times did Captain Cook cross the Pacific? Where was he forced to turn back by walls of ice--twice? Why did he meet such a tragic end? More than 200 years ago, Captain James Cook guided his small wooden sailing ship on three truly epic voyages across uncharted oceans. As one of the world’s greatest-ever navigators and explorers, he journeyed much farther than most jet-setting travellers fly today. Discover how Cook and his crew visited lands where Europeans had never set foot. Find out how they suffered tremendous hardship at sea, yet mapped thousands of miles of strange coastlines, marvelled at the customs of local people, and recorded all kinds of exotic wildlife.

Titles in this series describe some of history's greatest explorers and their journeys into the unknown, while teaching Landforms, Geography, History, Science, and Literacy. High-interest books with strong human interest and an adventure story narrative. Diary quotations offer direct coverage of primary source material