285 books
Troops, diplomats, and aid
Protecting patient privacy in healthcare information systems
White House procedures for safeguarding classified information
Misleading information from the battlefield
Examining grantmaking practices at the Department of Justice
In search of equity
Defense acquisitions
Management of the digital TV transition
Medicaid's efforts to reform since the preventable death of Deamonte Driver
Managing the Thrift Savings Plan to thrive
EPA black carbon and global warming
Is USDA accounting for costs to farmers caused by contamination from genetically engineered plants?
Advancements and continual challenges in the parole, supervised release and revocation of D.C. code offenders
Are federal and postal employees safe at work?
Investment management and acquisition challenges at the Department of Homeland Security
More than stamps adapting the postal service to a changing world
The stimulus
Rethinking our defense budget
The 2010 census master address files
Implementation of the Postal Accountability Enhancement Act of 2006
Census 2010
Rewarding bad actors
H.R. 735, and project labor agreements, restoring competition and neutrality to government construction