285 books
Federal financial statements for fiscal year 2007
The District of Columbia's fiscal year 2010 budget
The 2010 census
The refuse of the federal spending binge II
The local role of the U.S. Parole Commission
New allegations against GSA Administrator Lurita Doan
Achieving transparency and accountability in federal spending
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
The administration's flu vaccine program
Darfur and the Olympics
U.S. promotion of the Afghan economy
The lack of hospital emergency surge capacity
Evaluating the Labor Department in New Orleans
Iran sanctions
Official time
H.R. 5600, the District of Columbia Court, Offender Supervision, Parole, and Public Defender Employees Equity Act of 2008
The collapse and federal rescue of AIG and what it means for the U.S. economy
Is this any way to treat our troops? part III
Transition in Iraq
Examining the Federal Advisory Committee Act
The state of federal information security
An examination of federal employment practices/policies in hiring ex-offenders
Venezuela's sanctionable activity