• Country: Canada
Monica Kulling was born in Vancouver, British Columbia. She received a BA in creative writing from the University of Victoria. Monica is the author of over 50 books for children, including the popular Great Idea series, stories of inventors. The third book in the series, In the Bag! Margaret Knight Wraps It Up, was chosen as a Once Upon a World Children's Book Award Honor Book by the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The sixth book in the series, Spic-and-Span! Lillian Gilbreth's Wonder Kitchen won the North Dakota Library Association 2016 Flicker Tale Children’s Book Award in the nonfiction category. Monica Kulling lives in Toronto, Canada.

Anne Reas has illustrated the children’s books Mole and Shrew Have Jobs to Do, Mole and Shrew Find a Clue, and The Great Houdini: World-Famous Magician and Escape Artist.