The Great Houdini

by Monica Kulling

Published 1 January 1999
Harry Houdini was a great escape artist, but perhaps his greatest trick was becoming the famous magician that we have come to know. As a child, Houdini worked hard--and even quit school--to help support his family. But his dream always was to become a great magician and performer. He practiced day and night, thinking up new tricks and more and more dangerous stunts. His intense ambition paid off, and soon Harry Houdini became known worldwide!

This kid-appealing Step 3 traces Houdini's life from his poor beginnings to his eventual success as the most famous mystical magician and escape artist of all time.

Surveys the life of Harriet Tubman, including her childhood in slavery and her later work in helping other slaves escape north to freedom through the Underground Railroad.

Sea of Ice

by Monica Kulling

Published 22 January 1999

Eleanor Everywhere

by Monica Kulling

Published 1 January 1999
Profiles the first wife of a president to have a public life and career of her own, devoted to helping others and working for peace.

Escape North!

by Monica Kulling

Published 1 December 2000