Robin Hobb is the author of the Farseer Trilogy, the Liveship Traders Trilogy, the Tawny Man Trilogy, the Soldier Son Trilogy, and the Rain Wilds Chronicles. She has also written as Megan Lindholm. She lives in Washington State.

Jody Houser decided she wanted to be a writer at eight years old and never looked back. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing at Emerson College, where she completed her master's thesis in screenwriting and was a winner of the Rod Parker Fellowship for Playwriting.

In 2006, Jody began experimenting with webcomics. Her first professional comics writing was published in 2012. She became a full-time freelance writer in 2016.

Now a New York Times bestselling and Eisner-nominated writer, Jody has penned stories for DC Comics (Mother Panic, Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy), Marvel Comics (Star Wars, Web of Black Widow), Dark Horse Comics (Stranger Things, Critical Role), Titan Comics (Doctor Who), IDW Publishing (Orphan Black, Star Trek), and Valiant Entertainment (Faith), among others.

You can also find Jody in the online TTRPG space. Jody has been a cast member in several games, including Eric's TBD RPG and VAST on Geek & Sundry, and The Claw Firm on Demiplane.

Ryan Kelly is an American comic book artist, known for his work on books such as Lucifer and Local. He is the penciler of Three, written by Kieron Gillen with colors by Jordie Bellaire.

Jordie Bellaire is an Eisner and Ringo winning colorist best known for her color work on Birds of Prey, Nice House the Lake, Batman and many others.

Following her Eisner nominated writing debut, Redlands, she worked on Buffy the Vampire Slayer for Boom! and Adventures of Young Diana for DC Comics. Jordie is currently writing the first-ever comic series for Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders from Mad Cave Studios while coloring many interesting projects at DC, Image, IDW and Dark Horse Comics.

She lives in Oregon with her husband, two dogs and cat that are allowed to sleep in the bed.