121 books
Handbook of Artillery, Including Mobile, Antiaircraft, Motor Carriage and Trench Materiel
Handbook of the 6-Inch Howitzer Materiel, Model of 1908 and 1908 Mi with Instructions for Its Care
Handbook of the 3.8-Inch Howitzer Materiel, Model of 1915; With Instructions for Its Care
Instructions for Mounting, Using, and Caring for 4.72 Gun, Armstrong, 50 Caliber, Mounted on Barbett
Description of Telescopic Musket Sights, Models of 1908 and 1913 Dec. 14, 1908. REV. July 22, 1912
Description and Instructions for Care and Operation of Firing Magnetos, Types Ga and Ma
Description of the Deflection Board (Model of 1906) with de Carre Drift Chart for 12-Inch Mortar
Coast Artillery Targets and Accessories, February 27, 1908, Revised June 15, 1909, Revised October 2
Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriages L.F., Model of 1894 Mi for 10