121 books
Report of the Chief of Ordnance Volume 6
A Glossary of Trench Warfare Ordnance
Handbook of the 3-Inch Field Artillery Material, with Instructions for Its Care, August 1, 1905
Handbook of the 3-Inch Gun Materiel; With Instrutions for Its Care Aug. 1, 1905
Handbook of the 75-MM. Gun Materiel, Model of 1917 (British) with Instructions for Its Care; (Thirty-Two Plates) February 9, 1918. REV. September 6, 1918
Handbook of Ordnance Data
Report of the Tests of Metals and Other Materials for Industrial Purposes Made with the United States Testing Machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, During the Year Ended
Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriage L.F., Model of 1912 for 16-Inch Guns, Models of 1895 and 1912
Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriage L.F., Model of 1901 for 10-Inch Guns, Models of 1895 and 1900
Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriage L.F., Model 1897 for 12-Inch B.L. Rifle
Provisional Manual for Ordnance Field Service
Publications Relating to Firearms Etc Volume 2035
Ordnance Memoranda Volume 15
Ordnance Memoranda Volume 21
Handbook of the 5-Inch Siege Gun Battery with Instructions for Its Care, August 12, 1903
Ordnance Memoranda Volume 18
Ordnance Memoranda Volume 8
Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Ordnance Department
Report of the Tests of Metals and Other Materials for Industrial Purposes Made with the United States Testing Machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachuse
Report of the Tests of Metals and Other Materials for Industrial Purposes Made with the United States Testing Machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, During the Year Ended Volume 35
Report of the Tests of Metals and Other Materials for Industrial Purposes Made with the United States Testing Machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, During the Year Ended Volume 31
Report of the Tests of Metals and Other Materials for Industrial Purposes Made with the United States Testing Machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts, During the Year Ended Volume 1
Report of the Tests of Metals and Other Materials for Industrial Purposes, Made with the United States Testing Machine at Watertown Arsenal, Massachusetts
Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriage L.F., Model of 1901 for 12-Inch Guns, Models of 1895 and 1900, Revised May 31, 1904, Revised March 23, 1908