427 books • 12 series
Little tot's picture book (1898)
Little Dame Crump and her little white pig (1835-1857)
Little Dame Crump and her white pig (1888)
King Gobble's feast (1867)
La bella durmiente del bosque (1900)
Life and death of Jenny Wren (1867-1871)
Just you (1912) Elizabeth Gordon
Just you (1920) Elizabeth Gordon
Fawn in the wood (1890)
Johnny Headstrong's trip to Coney Island (1882)
Jocko in London (1820)
Book about beasts (1855)
Descriptive scenes for children (1831)
Aladdin (1890)
A visit from St. Nicholas (1921)
Beauty and the beast (1891)
Disorderly girl (1880)
An entertaining history of Tom Thumb (1830)
Adventures of Mother Hubbard and her dog (1855)
Dame trot and her cat (1880)
Dolly's doings 1890
Jack in the box 1890
The mouse and the Christmas cake 1864
Jingle jokes for little folks 1901