427 books • 12 series
Shakspere's songs and sonnets (1870)
America, a prophecy
The English Struwwelpeter (1909)
Easter-song a poem (1886)
Wild flowers of New York (1912)
Captain Boldheart Charles Dickens (1912)
Robin Hood (1818)
The eve of St. Agnes (1856)
The marriage of heaven and hell (1906)
Romance of the moon (1886)
Troilus et Cressida (1913)
One day in a baby's life (1886)
A little book about country life (1865)
Easter-tide Poems (1888)
The Raven (1884)
A booke of Christmas carols (1846)
The jungle book (1910)
Emma (1896)
Sense and sensibility (1896)
The history of Tom Thumb (1885)
Alice's adventures in Wonderland (1901)
Pride and prejudice (1894)
Gulliver's travels (1900)