620 books • 40 series
The Elizabeth Gaskell Series
Lois the Witch (Hesperus Classics) (Pocket Penguin Classics)
Sylvia's Lovers, V3
Sylvia's Lovers, V2
Sylvia's Lovers, V1
Somebody's Luggage
Life of Charlotte Brontë - Volume II
Cranford (deodand Classics)
Classic Women's Stories
Wives and Daughters (Movie Tie-In)
Further Letters of Mrs Gaskell
Gothic Tales (Digireads.com Classic)
Cranford, the Cage at Cranford and the Moorland Cottage
The Grey Lady
Cousin Phyllis
Private Voices
Half a Lifetime Ago (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)
"The Moorland Cottage and Other Stories
Cranford and Mr Harrison's Confessions (Everyman)
Gaskell : Life of Charlotte Br
A Dark Night's Work
Lois the Witch and Other Stories
My Lady Ludlow (Academy Victorian Classic)