51 books • 18 series
Beginning the Quest (Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy)
Christianity Explored Leader's Guide (Spanish) (Christianity Explored)
Christianity Explored Book (Spanish) (Christianity Explored)
Strangers on the Shore
Child Composers and Their Works
Voegelin Recollected
Best Practice in Social Work
If You Could Ask God One Question (Christianity Explored)
Philosophy, Literature, and Politics
New Political Religions, or, an Analysis of Modern Terrorism (Eric Voegelin Institute) (Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy)
Hidden Agendas
Beethoven (Master Musician S.) (Master Musicians)
Assessing Children's Mathematical Knowledge
Eric Voegelin and the Foundations of Modern Political Science
Accounting and Finance for Managers
Beethoven's Folksong Settings
Sins of Omission
Action into Nature (Loyola lectures in political analysis)
Beethoven and the Creative Process (Clarendon Paperbacks)
Mechanisms of Disease
The Restoration of Political Science and the Crisis of Modernity (Studies in Social & Political Theory, #6)
Alexander Kennedy Isbister (Carleton Library)
The Political Theory of Eric Voegelin (Toronto sudies in theology, Vol 27)
Renegotiating Secondary School Mathematics (Studies in curriculum history, #3)