29 books • 10 series
A Simple Man
In & Around Rotherham From Old Photographs (From Old Photographs)
The Awakening
Keeping the Rule
In & Around Rotherham Through Time (Through Time)
Billy Bray (Trail Blazers)
The Life and Thought of Herbert Butterfield
Opening Up Joel
Opening Up Zephaniah
WCS 1 & 2 Peter (Welwyn Commentary)
WCS 1 & 2 Timothy (Welwyn Commentary)
The Buxton Line (Scenes from the Past S., #50)
Modernizing England's Past (The Wiles Lectures)
Lord Salisbury's World
Face2face David Volume 2 (Face2face)
WCS Hosea and Obadiah (Welwyn Commentary)
World of Science
Modern Historiography
Modern Historiography: An Introduction
WCS Micah & Nahum (Welwyn Commentary)
Public and Private Doctrine
WCS Luke