57 books
Most Terrible Conflict in History, the Great War in Europe
America's War for Humanity, Including a Complete History of the World War Up-To-Date
The Great War, a Pictorial History of the 1914-1919 Fight for Freedom and Liberty
Banking, Credit and Finance
Motor Boats, Hydroplanes, Hydroaeroplanes, Construction and Operation, with Practical Notes on Propeller Calculation and Design
Motor Truck And Automobile Motors And Mechanism - A Practical Illustrated Treatise On The Power Plant And Motive Parts Of The Modern Motor Vehicle, For Owners, Operators And Repairmen
Flying Machines
Ignition, Timing and Valve Setting. a Comprehensive Illustrated Manual of Self-Instruction for Automobile Owners, Operators, Repairmen, and All Interested in Motoring
America's War for Humanity