57 books
Theodore Roosevelt, Typical American; His Life and Work Patriot, Orator, Historian, Sportsman, Soldier, Statesman and President
Story of the Great Flood and Cyclone Disasters, Aerica's Greatest Calamity; A Complete and Authentic Account of the Awful Flood of 1913 in the Rich and Fertile Valleys of Ohio and Indiana the Omaha Tornado
The American Cyclopedia of the Automobile Volume 1; Or, Motor Cars and Motoring Self-Taught a Work of Reference & Self Instruction
Story of the Great Flood and Cyclone Disasters, Aerica's Greatest Calamity
The Girl's Fight for a Living; How to Protect Working Women from Dangers Due to Low Wages
Automobile Motors and Mechanism; A Practical Illustrated Treatise on the Power Plant and Motive Parts of the Modern Motor Car, for Owners, Operators, Repairmen, and Intending Motorists
The American Cyclopedia of the Automobile (Volume 2); Or, Motor Cars and Motoring Self-Taught. a Work of Reference & Self Instruction
Motor Truck and Automobile Motors and Mechanism; A Practical Illustrated Treatise on the Power Plant and Motive Parts of the Modern Vehicle, for Owners, Operators and Repairmen
The American Cyclopedia of the Automobile (Volume 4); Or, Motor Cars and Motoring Self-Taught. a Work of Reference & Self Instruction
Mexico in Peace and War; A Narrative of Mexican History and Conditions from the Earliest Times to the Present Hour, Including an Account of the Military Operations by the United States at Vera Cruz in 1914 and the Causes That Led Thereto
Motor Truck and Automobile Motors and Mechanism
Panama in Pictures; Graphic Views of the Great New Waterway from Atlantic to Pacific, with a Full Description of the Canal and History of the Undertaking
The Panama Canal
Motor Boats, Hydroplanes, Hydroaeroplanes, Construction and Operation, with Practical Notes on Propeller Calculation and Design; An Illustrated Manual of Self Instruction for Owners and Operators of Marine Gasoline Engines and Amateur Boat-Builders
Salesmanship; Theory and Practice
America's War for Humanity; Pictorial History of the World War for Liberty, Interesting, Instructive, Thrilling
Advertising Methods and Mediums
The New Knowledge Library
Swept by Mighty Waters
Ignition, Timing and Valve Setting. a Comprehensive Manual of Self-Instruction for Automobile Owners, Operators, Repairmen, and All Interested
Automobile Motors and Mechanism; A Practical Treatise on the Power Plant and Motive Parts of the Modern Motor Car, for Owners, Operators,
Banking, credits and finance
The Planning and Fitting-Up of Chemical and Physical Laboratories
Life and Work of Theodore Roosevelt; Typical American, Patriot, Orator, Historian, Sportsman, Soldier, Statesman and President