3,120 books
Healthcare in the District of Columbia
Aviation security and impacts associated with the regulatory and statutory requirements of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA)
Bus and truck security and hazardous materials licensing
To review the implementation of the peanut provisions of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
Nominations of Harvey S. Rosen, Kristin J. Forbes, Julie L. Myers, and Peter Lichtenbaum
Advanced technology vehicles
Protecting consumers from fraudulent practices in the moving industry
Policies to enforce the Bank Secrecy Act and prevent money laundering in money services businesses and the gaming industry
San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement Act
The role of higher education financing in strengthening U.S. competitiveness in a global economy
A review of U.S.-Japan relations
Responding to the Inspector General's findings of improper use of national security letters by the FBI
Campus crime
CEO compensation in the post-Enron era
Energy efficiency of buildings
Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization
DOT Inspector General's final report on airline customer service
Miscellaneous public lands and forest bills
Centennial challenge
Nomination of Stephen S. McMillin
FY 2007 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) budget and the long-term viability of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund (AATF)
Albright, Epifani, Caswell, and Wahlquist nominations
The emergence of China throughout Asia