3,120 books
Lessons of NAFTA for U.S. relations with the Americas
Dirty bombs and basement nukes
Office of Justice Programs oversight
The MTBE crisis and the future of renewable fuels
The Meltzer Commission
The legacies of the Holocaust
Meeting the workforce needs of American agriculture, farm workers, and the U.S. economy
Nominations of Anna Blackburne-Rigsby, Thomas Motley, and John Mott
Meeting the challenges of the millennium
Nomination of George A. Omas
Nominations of John Ramsey Johnson and Gerald I. Fisher
Medicare fraud, waste, and abuse
North Korea
Nomination of Christopher A. McLean and Michael V. Dunn
Oversight hearing
The Chain of Environmental Command
Protecting Religious Freedom Abroad
Stepping Up to the Challenge
Beyond Mother's Day
Testimony on U.S. Policy Towards Iraq and Syria and the Threat Posed by The Islamic State of Iraq and The Levant (ISIL)
Wall Street and the Financial Crisis
Human Cloning
A Brief History of Emergency Powers in the United States
Covert Action in Chile 1963-1973