3,120 books
Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other extremists groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan
The Everglades
Affordable healthcare
Finding common ground with a rising China
Medical isotopes
Evaluating goals and progress in Afghanistan and Pakistan
H.R. 4347, to amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to provide further self-governance by Indian tribes and for other purposes
Rebuilding Haiti in the Martelly era
Investing in health IT
U.S. international broadcasting into the war zones
Principles of U.S. engagement in Asia
Strategic assessment of U.S.-Russian relations
Freight transportation in America
Challenges to water and security in Southeast Asia
Examining lessons learned from Operation Dakota Peacekeeper
Harvest over the horizon
Examining Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribal police recruitment, training, hiring, and retention
The Victims of Crime Act
Field hearing on the challenges of an aging VA medical center
Nomination of Robert L. Nabors II
Reauthorizing the Older Americans Act
Ending veterans' homelessness
A fresh start for New Starts
Continuing oversight on international cooperation to modernize financial regulation