3,120 books
The future of NATO
Responding to homeland threats
Hoopa-Yurok Settlement Act
Swindling small businesses
Project Safe Neighborhoods
Nominations of Clay Johnson, III, Albert Casey, and James C. Miller, III
Vital assets
Native American Capital Formation and Economic Development Act
Expanding flexible personnel systems governmentwide
Immigration reform and the reorganization of homeland defense
Mental health care
Half a loaf
Nomination of Scott W. Muller to be General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency
Combating hate crimes
Legislative and regulatory responses to the FTC study on barriers to entry in the pharmaceutical marketplace
President's fiscal year 2002 budget proposal for VA
Legislation to establish a Department of National Homeland Security and a White House office to combat terrorism
International aviation alliances
Saving our seniors
U.S. export market share
Agriculture in rural communities, drafting and implementation of a new farm bill
Water resource management issues on the Missouri River
Restrictions on travel to Cuba