156 books
H.R. 3937, H.R. 4882, H.R. 4883, H.R. 4966, and oversight hearing on the National Coastal and Ocean Service Authorization Act; the National Marine Fisheries Service Authorization Act; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Service Authorization
H.R. 958, H.R. 959 and H.R. 984
H.R. 1811, H.R. 2386 and H.R. 5081
The national environmental policy and the Environmental Quality Improvement Act
Effective community involvement in national forest restoration and recreation efforts
Effect of mining claim fees on domestic exploration
H.R. 5032 and H.R. 5180
H.R. 5156, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to protect the economic and land use interests of the federal government
H.R. 37, H.R. 640, and H.R. 1000
FY 2003 Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service energy and mineral program budget
H.R. 3470, H.R. 3908, and H.R. 4044
H.R. 2628, H.R. 2643, and H. Res. 261
H.R. 2119, "National Historic Forests Act of 2001"
H.R. 706 and H.R. 1870
H.R. 1161 and H.R. 1384Lands of the Committee on Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, May 8, 2001.
Water supply and reliability
H.R. 1442
H.R. 1712 and H.R. 2937
H.R. 3561 and H.R. 4638
Comprehensive conservation planning and the operation and maintenance backlog in the National Wildlife Refuge System
The future visitor's center at Gettysburg National Military Park and the associated fundraising efforts
Implementation of the California plan for the Colorado River
H.R. 273, H.R. 274, H.R. 289 and H.R. 417
H.R. 2234 and H.R. 2238